By Tom Edwards
This is Guernsey
UFO spotter Ray Bowyer was in the spotlight again last night when he appeared on the Richard & Judy show.
This is Guernsey
UFO spotter Ray Bowyer was in the spotlight again last night when he appeared on the Richard & Judy show.

The Channel 4 couple quizzed the captain about his brush with the unknown and showed him some photographs of other famous sightings.
Mr Bowyer said that one of the images, of an object spotted over New Mexico, was very similar to what he had seen and added that he had not previously been aware of the picture.
Media attention has been growing over the pilot’s UFO sighting since it was first reported by the Guernsey Press on Thursday 26 April.
His descriptions of a mile-long, bright yellow object made headlines in the Sun and Daily Mail last week.
Show co-host Richard Madeley said he had heard some extraordinary reports from other pilots in the past and asked what had prompted Captain Bowyer to come forward.
‘My experience is that commercial pilots don’t often speak out, so why have you decided to?’ he said.
Captain Bowyer replied that the Guernsey Press had broken the story and revealed there was convincing radar evidence that confirmed something was in the area at the time.
‘I have visited Radar Control in Jersey, which picked up some interesting traces for 55 minutes.’ he said.
Mr Madeley asked the pilot whether what he saw could have been a strange cloud, to which Captain Bowyer replied that it ‘didn’t look anything like a cloud’.
‘In my view, there was a strange object in a controlled airspace which should not have been there.’ he added.
After thanking the captain for coming on to the show and sharing his ‘fascinating’ story, the show’s other presenter, Judy Finnigan, commented: ‘I wish they 'the aliens' would just come out and show themselves.’
Richard replied: ‘Well I’m glad they haven’t.’
Following yesterday’s show, Captain Bowyer then rushed across London to appear on news network CNN, where he was again interviewed live about his experience.
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