By Dr. David Clarke
afternoon (25 June) today to talk about his experiences.
As Ray is now talking publicly on TV about the investigation that is going on behind the scenes, I can say that this does appear to be one of the most interesting - and so far, inexplicable - UFO sightings made in the last decade.

This includes video replays of the radar picture and audio recordings of the conversations between the pilots and air traffic control, all of which have been - perhaps uniquely in this case - preserved for use in our investigation. The video picture does appear to show two definate unidentified tracks corresponding with the position and timing of the visual sightings reported by Bowyer and another pilot in an aircraft flying in a different direction.
At the weekend I discussed the case with Jacques Patenet of the French government UFO agency GEIPAN, as both of us were guest speakers at the IUFO group CISU's congress at Saint Vincent in the Italian Alps. Patenet - who appeared most open-minded and happy to work with serious investigators - expressed an interest in the case which our UK MOD have dismissed as being of any interest as it occurred "within French airspace." Thankfully, the French are a little more open minded and if all goes to plan we should be able to draw upon GEIPAN's pool of expertise in the ongoing investigation.
More to follow in due course.
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