What's in the air over Webster Parish/Columbia, AR?
By Tania Francois
A Webster parish woman is trying to determine what it is she caught on video tape last Tuesday night.By Tania Francois
The woman who does not want to be identified says the object was flying low about 400 feet high, and was hovering. She says it made no noise until it actually moved past her. She says there were several lights on either side and a strobe light underneath it. She says the object moved from Columbia, Arkansas into Webster Parish before moving on. She adds it was shaped like a stealth bomber only more curved.
The woman says she doesn't believe in UFO's but would like to know what it is she saw that had all of the lights on it.
So we called in an expert, Lee Gunther who works at the Shreveport airport. He says with it being so dark he can't determine what kind but says its probably a plane. "A twin engine airplane with it's lights on at night." When asked about the hovering, he says, "Airplanes don't hover. And helicopters, don't have wings" ruling out the possibility of it being a chopper. He also says it's not a blimp because blimps lights are not that spread apart.
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