By Frank Warren
© 1-1808
© 1-1808
Once again UFOs are fodder for mainstream media due to the sightings in “Stephenville, Texas,” and to King’s credit he has

covered the subject for 20 years (or more); the problem as of late however, is we never know which Larry King we’re going to get.
That is to say, that over the years King “in general” has given Ufology a “fair shake”; however, as of late one may be leery of his neutrality.
A few months back on a “UFO themed show” Larry seemed to have a predisposition on his part, reflected by at times his mildly sarcastic attitude. Additionally, he couldn’t moderate his own show, allowing unwanted squabbles, and confusion between the guests; for one thing, he had to many people on at one time which is an error repeatedly made by King and his producers. For those of us that pay attention, this was a big disappointment!
It would seem that Larry heeded the words of his critics (or perhaps read some of my articles) as the next show, done in November was certainly a step-up! That particular show was a precursor to the UFO conference held that month at the National Press Club, which showcased some very high caliber UFO witnesses from around the world! The show didn’t disappoint, although I was holding my breath.
For whatever reason, CNN’s protocol is to have an “opposition side” to Ufology, a skeptic if you may; alas, “there are no competent skeptics” outside of Ufology, consequently they (CNN) hunt for someone most visible; lately and regrettably, that has been James McGaha, an amateur astronomer. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your views, McGaha’s analysis is so outlandish; he ends up being his own worst enemy. He is scheduled to appear with Stan tonight ad nauseum!
Leslie Kean, was responsible for orchestrating the UFO Conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.
Finally, it is understood that some of the witnesses from Stephenville will be on as well . . . it should be interesting.
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