The Amazing Roswell UFO Festival Scheduled for July 5-8, 2007
ROSWELL, N.M., Jan. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Uncover the mystery and help discover the truth at The Amazing Roswell UFO Festival and 60th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident. The City of Roswell invites UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike to join in the celebration of one of the most debated incidents in history this July 5-8, 2007. The four-day event will feature guest speakers, authors, live entertainment, family-friendly activities and possibly an alien abduction.PRNewsWire
This year, the City of Roswell will be coordinating the annual festival. Roswell Mayor Sam LaGrone and the 2007 UFO Festival Committee are working to organize an event everyone can participate in: "This year, we want the festival to be all-inclusive. We invite everyone with an interest in UFOs, aliens and outer space to be a part of the festival as a presenter, a guest, or both," Mayor LaGrone said.
The City is expecting more than 50,000 visitors during the festival and guests are encouraged to make travel arrangements early.
In early July, 1947, a mysterious object crashed on a ranch 30 miles north of Roswell. The Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a statement claiming to have recovered a crashed "flying disk." An article ran on the front page of the Roswell Daily Record and the next day, RAAF changed its statement to say that the object was a weather balloon, not a flying disk as they previously reported. This revised statement sparked immediate controversy and has continued to be a topic of debate 60 years later.
During The Amazing Roswell UFO Festival, guests can visit alien attractions, attend lectures, book signings and help uncover the truth about one of the most infamous cover-ups in history. Those interested in participating in the festival as an official sponsor, presenter or vendor, please contact Renee Roach at 1-888-ROS-FEST. For more information about the festival, visit http://www.roswellufofestival.com/.
Website: http://www.roswellufofestival.com/
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