Dan Aykroyd takes UFOs out for a spin
By Michael Conlon
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Dan Aykroyd has a new video on the market, but the ex-conehead and one-time ghost-buster says he's not the star. The UFOs are.By Michael Conlon
"My recommendation is to skip through me and get to the film footage, the digital images," he said on Tuesday, talking about the 90-minute "Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs" from Union Station Media.
"This is where the whole thing starts to become more credible," he said of footage of unidentified flying objects from around the world.
"This is the real stuff. I'm not alone on this. There are many, many people interested in UFOs," he said.
The DVD, which went on sale Tuesday, is a conversation between Aykroyd and UFO expert David Sereda interspersed with footage of unexplained objects in flight and comments from experts like former astronaut Gordon Cooper. There are no jokes.
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