Saturday, July 30, 2005

"10th Planet" Discovered

Astronomers have found a new planet in the outer reaches of the solar system.


     July 29, 2005: "It's definitely bigger than Pluto." So says Dr. Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology who announced today the discovery of a new planet in the outer solar system.

     The planet, which hasn't been officially named yet, was found by Brown and colleagues using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory near San Diego. It is currently about 97 times farther from the sun than Earth, or 97 Astronomical Units (AU). For comparison, Pluto is 40 AU from the sun.

     This places the new planet more or less in the Kuiper Belt, a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun. The planet appears to be typical of Kuiper Belt objects--only much bigger. Its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be classified as a planet itself, Brown says.

     Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet. But don't expect to be impressed: It looks like a dim speck of light, visual magnitude 19, moving very slowly against the starry background. "It is currently almost directly overhead in the early-morning eastern sky in the constellation Cetus," notes Brown.

     The planet was discovered by, in addition to Brown, Chad Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz, of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. They first photographed the new planet with the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope on October 31, 2003. The object was so far away, however, that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in January of this year. In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

UFO Propulsion Systems By Stanton T. Friedman (Part Three)

Friedman Portrait

By Stanton Friedman
     The design and development of nuclear flight-propulsion systems requires the solution of very real problems associated with complex nuclear physics, and sophisticated hardware operating at very high temperatures, and the lethal radiation produced by the fission process. Similar problems, although not as difficult, were solved first for nuclear weapons and then in the production of large, relatively low-temperature submarine and stationary nuclear-power plants. The primary difficulty in employing fission for space or atmospheric propulsion systems is associated with the weight and high performance limitations of such systems. Large ships weigh more then a hundred thousand tons. Airplanes weigh fewer then four thousand tons, and even the Saturn 5 rocket only weighed three thousand tons.

     Despite the problems the NRX- A-6 nuclear-rocket-reactor propulsion system was successfully tested in December, 1967 by Westinghouse Astro-nuclear Laboratory at a power level of 1.1 billion watts in a package less then ten feet long and under five feet in diameter. In June 1968 the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory successfully tested the Phoebus-2B at a power level of 4.4 billion watts; it had a diameter less than six feet. The old Grand Coulee Dam produced 2.2 billion watts by comparison. All the NERVA (and preceding KIWI and ROVER) systems used solid fuel, through which was pumped liquid hydrogen, which changed to a gas and was exhausted through a nozzle. Because hydrogen has the lowest weight of any molecule, for the same energy expended it will achieve the highest exhaust velocity. The weight of the oxygen and its associated tankage is also eliminated. More advanced systems have been designed in which the U-235 is in a very high-temperature gas-plasma form and thus provides far higher exhaust temperatures for the hydrogen. Reactors have actually operated with the fuel in gaseous form.

     Of considerably greater interest in a long-term viewpoint would be fusion propulsion. Fusion is the nuclear process involving the combining of light nuclei to make heavier nuclei and, as in fission, convert a small amount of mass into a large amount of energy. It is the primary process by which energy is produced in most stars and in so-called hydrogen bombs. Every civilization—even on distant stars—would become aware of the fusion process as it reached a minimum level of scientific maturity. There are many different reactions and processes, which can be, used in both fission and fusion devices.

     One of the most attractive for a space-propulsion system would be to cause the reaction of just those particles which, when made to fuse, produce only charge rather then neutral particles. These very high-energy particles could then be directed out the back of the rocket, using appropriate electric and magnetic fields. Neutral particles come off in all directions and cannot be directed or controlled, only slowed down and their heat absorbed . . . a very inefficient process.

     Using the right reactions in the right way, a space fusion-propulsion system could be designed to exhaust light ions having more then ten times as much energy per particle as they can receive in a chemical rocket.

     A second advantage of considerable interest is that the fuel or propellant for a fusion rocket would be isotopes of hydrogen and helium, which are not only the lightest elements but are the most abundant in the universe. Thus one could be certain of finding the raw materials for a fusion fuel stockpile in any star system to which one traveled.

     There have been a number of studies published showing that staged fission and fusion deep space propulsion systems are capable of round trips to near-by stars in a shorter time then an average life span. Chemical rockets would be used to launch starships into orbit or to the moon for re-launching from there because of the greatly reduced energy requirements on the moon. Clever design would be employed such as was used by the Lunar landing program. Full advantage would be taken of very “free loading” possibility just as the Apollo vehicle takes advantage of the earth’s rotation to the east near the equator and of the gravitational field of the moon and of staged rockets which fire in programmed succession on the way and on counting on earth’s atmosphere to slow it down rather then carrying and firing retro-rockets to slow it down on the way back.

     The final weight and cost depend almost entirely on the design assumptions rather then (as academic calculations so often assume) being independent of those design features. An early study of the required launch weight of a chemical rocket capable of sending a man to the moon and back concluded that the launch weight would have to be a million, million tons. The launching was accomplished less then thirty years later with a chemical rocket weighing three hundred times less.

     Stars and planets along the way would be used for both their fuel and solar energy and for gravitational assistance, just as the Pioneer spacecraft, which was without propulsion systems after leaving the vicinity of earth, using the gravitational field of Jupiter to hurl itself past Saturn and eventually beyond the solar-system.

Part One

Part Two


1947: Man Pilots FUGO Balloon Bomb

FUGO Army Paper

Don Piccard Flies Japanese Paper Balloon With New Safety Valve, Aluminum Basket

New York Times

     MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 16 (U.P.)-- Don Piccard,   21-year-old son of Dr. Jean Piccard, the   stratosphere explorer,Piccard Today landed  successfully
  twentyfive miles northeast of here today after a free-balloon solo flight of two hours and ten minutes to test equipment which his father and he developed.

     Mr. Piccard soared from Minneapolis at 1:15 p.m. in an aluminum basket carried by the 30-foot paper balloon which the Japanese had used to send a bomb to the west during the war. He landed at 3:25 p.m. five miles north of White Bear Minn . . ..


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Congressional Doc Shows Corso as NSC Staff

Corso Congress Cover
click on image to enlarge

Corso Congress Contents
click on image to enlarge

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

     Undoubtedly the controversy concerning the late Philip J. Corso will never sub-side; an element of that contention is whether Corso (as he maintained until his death and swore to in an affidavit) was a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council; it would appear that the majority of researchers into Corso’s claims believe he lied and or exaggerated his tenure there.

Still one has to wonder, if these allegations were true . . . then why would a man with such a distinguished military career lie about such a thing; of course given his declarations in his book, “The Day After Roswell” perhaps the question is superfluous.

Nevertheless, as evidenced by the pages of the afore shown document—from the United States Senate, there apparently is more to it then most are willing to consider.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Lajas - The UFO Capital of Puerto Rico

Ruta De Ovni

In an unprecedented event in Central America, a city in Puerto Rico is considered by it authorities the “UFO Capital.” Intense sighting have been on the rise in recent years.
Translated By
Frank Warren

     The large amount of Unidentified Flying Objects has elevated the locality of Lajas to the true UFO capital of Puerto Rico. Recent activity has aroused the interest of many UFO investigators to the area.

Extraterrestrial Highway

     Lajas is located on the southwestern part of the island of Puerto Rico, with very few inhabitants. In this locale the anecdotes are rampant about incredible UFO sightings; from the suspected underground base in the Bermeja Mountain Range, which extends to Red Cabo, to the alleged encounter in the Cartagena Lagoon, which is located in the Maguayo District of that same municipality.

     Reinaldo Rios , a renowned Ufologist of that country, who has been investigating the phenomenon is purported to have accumulated concrete evidence in support of the presence of UFOs in the vicinity.

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Australia: UFO Files Opened

Alien Earth Eyes

By Glenn Connley

     Dominic McNarmara was an electrical engineer and head of the Australian UFO Research Centre.

     He spent several years unlocking hundreds of restricted files from the government's top secret national archives, detailing UFO sightings from outback drunks to military personnel.

     According to the unlocked files, Woomera, in outback South Australia, had the highest rate of UFO sightings of anywhere in the world.

     There were even some people who said they had been beamed up and taken aboard friendly flying saucers.

     Woomera is an isolated, restricted government-owned military region where the Australian Department of Defence had tested its aircraft, weaponry and rockets for decades.

     As the military watched the skies they saw a lot more than their own planes. Now found and declassified, secrets are revealed, like the night the air force tested a plane called the Canberra.

     "Both people gave their reports. This object descended, came across the flight path of the Canberra, matched its speed, tracked with it, and departed at a speed over 3600 miles an hour," Mr McNamara said.

     "In the early 1950s that just wasn't possible," he added.

     Mr McNamara said there was little doubt many of the 1800 files were deliberately hidden or made difficult to find.

     The Australian UFO Research Network:

     Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre:

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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ruling Upheld Nixing Redress Over 'Unit 731' Germ Warfare

Germ Warfare

Staff writer
Japan Times

     The Tokyo High Court on Tuesday upheld a lower court decision denying Chinese plaintiffs compensation for germ warfare atrocities committed in China by the Imperial Japanese Army during the war.

     The lawsuit, filed in 1997 and 1999 by a combined 180 plaintiffs -- survivors and relatives of deceased victims -- had demanded 10 million yen in damages for each plaintiff and an apology from the Japanese government.

     The plaintiffs charged that the Imperial army's infamous Unit 731 spread fleas infected with bubonic plague among the populace and gave them food and water laced with cholera, killing many civilians.

     In August 2002, the Tokyo District Court recognized for the first time that Imperial army units, including 731, engaged in germ warfare, and that the state was responsible. However, the court dismissed the compensation demands, ruling that individuals have no right to sue for war damages. The plaintiffs appealed to the high court.

     On Tuesday, presiding Judge Yukio Ota acknowledged that the Imperial army violated the Geneva protocol, which prohibited use of bacterial weapons, and caused many deaths by spreading the bacteria between 1940 and 1942.

     But he supported the district court ruling and said international laws have clarified international responsibilities between countries and "do not give individual victims the right to demand direct compensation."

     The plaintiffs and their lawyers said they plan to appeal to the Supreme Court.

     At a later news conference, lawyer Koken Tsuchiya slammed the ruling, saying it basically condones wars of aggression and the government's refusal to take responsibility for waging germ warfare.

     The ruling shows "the court is submitting to the government," he said. "But the legislative, administrative and judicial powers are kept separate so they can keep an eye on each other."

     Zhang Lizhong, a plaintiff who lost four family members to the plague, was angered by the decision.

     "This ruling is completely unfair to the victims," said the 73-year-old from Hunan Province. "And I will fight until the end."

Tsuchiya said the government has continuously refused to acknowledge it waged germ warfare in China and even denied the existence of Unit 731 throughout the district and high court hearings.

Chemical gas cleanup

Japan will remove chemical weapons in Guangzhou, southern China, that were abandoned by the Japanese Imperial Army at the end of World War II, following a poison gas accident in the city in June, the Cabinet Office said Tuesday.

     The Cabinet Office plans to excavate weapons in a five-day mission starting Wednesday after officials found at least seven more abandoned shells near the accident site.

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Top-End X-Files Revealed

X-Files On Black

SECRET documents released by the Northern Territory Government reveal a mass of UFO sightings across the Top End, many of them unexplained.

By Eric Tlozek

      The documents - declassified after 30 years under lock and key - detail a history of UFO activity across the Territory by a wide range of 'sighters', including RAAF crews and weather forecasters.

     The files were classified and only became available to the public from the National Archives in Darwin, after 30 years.

     One sighting, by the crew of a RAAF Hercules in Darwin in 1968, also appeared on radar, although no known aircraft was identified in the area at the time.

     The crew described a series of lights which crossed their take-off path from Darwin airport, with no visible fuselage or structure. RAAF command in Sydney said the contact may have been a foreign aircraft.

     "The fact the sighting was made by an RAAF aircrew and detected by the aircraft's radar leaves very little doubt ... (that something) was in the area," RAAF command said.

     "As the aircraft has not been identified, a violation of our national airspace cannot be discounted."

     Another of the secret documents, obtained by the Australian UFO Research Association, describes a sighting by a weather bureau forecaster at Daly Waters in November, 1966.

     The forecaster was tracking a weather balloon with a theodolite when he noticed a flying object in the sky.

     He reported sighting a metallic-grey, oblong object flying at high altitude.

     A check with the aircraft control office in Darwin revealed there were no aircraft in the area at the time.

     A third file reports the sighting of a saucer-shaped object by a group of nurses in Alice Springs in 1967.

     The nurses spotted the UFO in the middle of the day and said it was a silver colour with a copper band around the centre.

     UFO archivist Dominic McNamara said there were many NT sightings but most were unsubstantiated.

     "The NT is a hot-spot for sightings particularly because of its remoteness," Mr McNamara said.

     "But the cases where people actually see substantial objects and can describe them are the ones that stand out."

     He said tracking down the files was an arduous task because a serial number needed to be quoted to retrieve any file.

     So he cross-referenced files from related items, eventually narrowing the field to 170 documents.

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'Prophet' Looks To Call UFOs in All 50 States

Prophet Yahweh

Claims 'powers that be' don't want public to know spaceships are real

     A self-styled "prophet" who made news recently by allegedly summoning the appearance of UFOs in the Las Vegas area is now looking to re-create the feat in all 50 states.

     Ramon Watkins, also known as Prophet Yahweh, says he'll begin his national tour Aug. 7, and is asking television and radio stations across America to allow him the chance to prove his ability to communicate with extra-terrestrials.

     Watkins caused a stir in late May when an ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas put his claims to the test.

     He agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.

     What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.

     At about 2:30 p.m. local time on May 26, Prophet Yahweh was documented summoning two UFOs for the station's cameras above Doolittle Park.

     One of the unidentified flying objects was stationary in the sky while the other flew across Las Vegas. Then, it turned around and came back on the same path.

     Despite the TV station's coverage of the event, and a mention in WND, there was little news coverage outside Nevada.

     "The powers that be stopped the story from being made known because they did not want humanity to find out that UFOs are real!" said Watkins.

     "The spaceship would never have appeared if I was not filmed calling it down. This is what the space beings wanted. They wanted me captured on film with their spaceship so everyone would know that these beings have chosen me to speak for them and no other person.The space beings kept their end of the bargain by sending a real UFO, on my signal, that was documented. But, Las Vegas media refused to film me calling down the spaceship. That's why it never happened."

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Book Review: Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story

Book Body Snatchers

Nick Redfern, (Paraview-Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, 2005)

Reviewed by Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D.

     In last month’s newsletter I directed readers to links for Nick Redfern’s important articles on his very human explanation of the Roswell event. I also included Stanton Friedman’s review of Nick’s book. My interest, of course, was due primarily to the fact that Nick’s view was essentially the same as I put forth four years ago in The Façade—that the bodies connected with the Roswell event were human unfortunates used by the "sanitized Nazis" crawling through the corridors of our nation’s defense and aerospace industries. As promised, I have now read Nick’s book for myself and offer this review. In the course of sharing my thoughts, I think it’s important to interact with Stanton Friedman’s review. Stanton’s stature and expertise in this area are unquestioned. However, I believe that his dismissal of Nick’s position is hardly on firm footing, being built on inconsistent reasoning and deflecting attention away from the most salient details. Since he is the top researcher on this issue, and since he did write a review of Redfern’s book, he’s the best person to interact with concerning my own thoughts. But before getting into the details, an overview is in order.

     In simplified terms, Redfern believes what happened at Roswell involves the intersection of several programs being conducted by Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and our own government during WWII and the years immediately following. These programs were:

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Scotty Embarks To The Ultimate 'Final Frontier'

Scotty Old New

Scotty's remains will go to the final frontier

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

     He was best known for a line he never even uttered: "Beam me up, Scotty."

     But James Doohan made peace with his legacy as "Star Trek" chief engineer Montgomery Scott decades before his death yesterday from pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease.

     Doohan, 85, died in his Redmond home with his wife of 28 years, Wende, at his side, Los Angeles agent and longtime friend Steve Stevens said.

     Doohan's remains will be blasted into space, where "Star Trek" series creator Gene Roddenberry's remains were launched six years after his death in 1991, Stevens said.

     Even after he bid farewell to public life last August, Doohan remained a fan favorite remembered for entertaining appearances at science-fiction conventions as much for his work on the classic TV show and movies that followed.

     "He was a very charming man and a wonderful actor," said Brannon Braga, creator and executive producer of "Star Trek" spinoffs "Enterprise," "Next Generation and "Voyager."

     The British Columbia-born Doohan was enjoying a busy career as a character actor when he auditioned for a role as an engineer in a new space adventure on NBC in 1966. A master of dialects from his early years in radio, he tried seven different accents.

     "The producers asked me which one I preferred," Doohan recalled 30 years later. "I believed the Scot voice was the most commanding. So I told them, 'If this character is going to be an engineer, you'd better make him a Scotsman.' "

     The series, which starred William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as the enigmatic Mr. Spock, attracted an enthusiastic following, but not enough ratings power. NBC canceled it after three seasons.

     When the series ended in 1969, Doohan found himself typecast as Scotty, the canny engineer with a burr in his voice.

     In 1973, he complained to his dentist, who advised him: "Jimmy, you're going to be Scotty long after you're dead. If I were you, I'd go with the flow."

     "I took his advice," said Doohan, "and since then everything's been just lovely."

     "Star Trek" continued in syndication both in the United States and abroad, and its following grew larger and more dedicated. In his later years, Doohan attended dozens of "Trekkie" gatherings around the country and lectured at colleges.

     The huge success of George Lucas' "Star Wars" in 1977 prompted Paramount Pictures to produce "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," which spawned five sequels.

     The powerfully built Doohan, a veteran of D-Day in Normandy, spoke frankly in 1998 about his employer and his TV commander.

     "I started out in the series at basic minimum -- plus 10 percent for my agent. That was added a little bit in the second year. When we finally got to our third year, Paramount told us we'd get second-year pay! That's how much they loved us."

     He accused Shatner of hogging the camera, adding: "I like Captain Kirk, but I sure don't like Bill. He's so insecure that all he can think about is himself."

     The two later made their peace, joking about their rift at the James Doohan Farewell Star Trek Convention and Tribute in Hollywood last year, according to a report on

     Nimoy told Shatner: "I think he (Doohan) loves you."

     "Yeah, now!" Shatner replied.

     James Montgomery Doohan was born March 3, 1920, in Vancouver, youngest of four children of William Doohan, a pharmacist, veterinarian and dentist, and his wife, Sarah. As he wrote in his autobiography, "Beam Me Up, Scotty," his father was a drunk who made life miserable for his wife and children.

     At 19, James joined the Canadian army, becoming a lieutenant in artillery. He was among the Canadian forces that landed on Juno Beach on D-Day. "The sea was rough," he recalled. "We were more afraid of drowning than the Germans."

     The Canadians crossed a minefield laid for tanks; the soldiers weren't heavy enough to detonate the bombs. At 11:30 that night, he was machine-gunned, taking six hits: one that took off his middle right finger (he managed to hide the missing finger on screen), four in his leg and one in the chest. The chest bullet was stopped by his silver cigarette case.

     After the war Doohan on a whim enrolled in a drama class in Toronto. He showed promise and won a two-year scholarship to New York's famed Neighborhood Playhouse, where fellow students included Leslie Nielsen, Tony Randall and Richard Boone.

     Oddly, his only other TV series besides "Star Trek" was another space adventure, "Space Command," in 1953.

     Doohan's first marriage to Judy Doohan produced four children. He had two children by his second marriage to Anita Yagel. Both marriages ended in divorce. In 1974 he married Wende Braunberger, and their children were Eric, Thomas and Sarah, who was born in 2000.

     Did he ever get tired of hearing the line "Beam me up, Scotty?"

     "I'm not tired of it at all," he said in 1998. "It's been said to me at 70 miles an hour across four lanes on the freeway. I hear it from just about everybody. It's been fun."

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005


UFO Over Cuautla Enhanced Framed

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

SOURCE: Prof. Ana Luisa Cid
Incident Date: 5-7-05

     Mr. Luis Roca Cerezo was driving along the highway toward Mexico City in the company of his father on May 7, 2005. He suddenly became aware of a strange light in the sky.

     The witness thought at first that it was a reflection, but upon realizing that the object had movement, he reached the conclusion that it was an object actually moving through the air. Fortunately, he had with him a photo camera that allowed him to record the unusual event.

UFO Over Cuautla 1 Framed

     It was precisely in this region of the State of Morelos that numerous sightings of possible plasma-type vessels have been recorded, mainly over the cities of Cuernavaca, Cuautla and Tepoztlán.

UFO Over Cuautla 2 Framed

It should be noted that the area borders the volcano zone, a probable factor for UFO incidents.

(Research by Carlos Clemente with acknowledgements to Maussán Productions)

Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid.

UFO Over Cuautla 3 Framed


Ufology's Internal War

Wendy Connors

By Wendy Connors

     It has become apparent that an internal war has begun regarding the state of modern Ufology. Nothing really new, but the players are changing so rapidly, that common sense seems to have become a casualty.

     How is Ufology supposed to be defined? I cannot speak for others, but I think it is a field of study involving manufactured craft, that transcends our current technological development. Thus, cryptoaeronautics, or aircraft of unknown origin. Ufology began as a fortean subject, but now stands on its own and separate in relation to crop circles, ghosts, animal mutilation, sky falls, etc.

     What, then, is a Ufologist? Again, I cannot speak for others, but I think a Ufologist is a person who has studied the phenomena and its history, then proceeds one step further by actually doing field research regarding specific cases or the subject in general to keep the knowledge base current. Thus, there are a few researchers who make up the core of ufological study. The vast majority of people use the research from the few to bring the subject to public forums. Some people do well in bringing the subject to public forums, but the majority do not, due to wild speculation and belief systems.

     What do we really know about UFOs? A massive amount actually, but no real answers that contribute to a consensus. The subject itself provides for wild speculation and theories by those interested in the subject, but the real Ufologist knows the following to be accurate:

     1. Origin of UFOs remain, at this time, unknown. Everything regarding possible origin is speculative at this point and no definitive answer is yet available.

     2. How such objects are propelled is unknown and speculative.

     3. There is no definitive proof that such devices carry sentient alien beings. However, research indicate that these objects appear to be intelligently controlled.

     4. Some of these objects leave behind traces of their existence and interact with people of all ages, incomes, educational attainment, professions, etc. The proposition that all people who see UFOs are mentally impaired is factually incorrect.

     5. Of the thousands of worldwide reports of UFO sightings, only a small percentage appear to be of manufactured origin that exceed our current technological development. These objects, thoughout recorded history, have shown that the technology of these devices change in relation to our technological development.

     6. Ufology, by its very nature, lends to scientific investigation by developing new techniques.

     Is it possible for Ufology to overcome the riddle factor and become a science unto itself? Yes. But only to a core group of researchers at this point because Ufology has reached the level it needs to be taught and specialities formed. If Ufology is not taught, continuation of rampant misinformation will continue to apply and Ufology will remain a chaotic field of study. Anyone who studies Ufology critically, takes no theory as an absolute.

     So, who are the best Ufologists researching today? Those who maintain the databases, uncovers new documentation, gathers unbiased reports, maintains trace evidence and brings the history of the subject to the public arenas. There are hundreds of competent Ufologists working today. Unfortunately, they are outnumbered by the tens of thousands of people who don't have a clue to what they are doing, but bring their dog and pony shows (belief systems) for permanent public display.

     Just some personal thoughts.

Note—Wendy Connors is the architect of the Faded Discs Archive, a compilation of “rare historic recordings” pertaining to the UFO phenomenon. Her dedication and hard work in preserving as well as making available to the public this invaluable work is a deed worthy of the highest accolades.


UFO Group To Probe Beauty Pt Sighting

Tasmanian Night

ABC News Online

     The Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre is looking into a sighting over Beauty Point in the north of the state last night.

     Resident Bob Silberberg says he saw a large, bright, round ball of light travelling reasonably fast in a north-westerly direction.

     Keith Roberts from the UFO Investigation Centre in Tasmania says there was another sighting in the area last month.

     "Yes we did have a report some weeks ago from Greens Beach which isn't that far from Beauty Point where two witnesses saw some lights at high elevation in the sky, one of which travelled away over the northern horizon," he said.

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What’s Good for SETI’s Goose Apparently Isn’t Good for Ufology’s Gander!

Alien on Arecibo

By Frank Warren

     Once again Seth Shostak has opened mouth and inserted foot. In the wake of the “Larry King Show” pertaining to the reality of UFOs, which aired on the 6th of this month, Shostak who was one of the guests on the show (as a debunker) recently penned an article, which was published by and can be read here; in it Shostak reconfirms his ignorance on the subject of Ufology, and some of his statements raise the question of his aptitude in regards to what he brings to the table for SETI.

     He begins his article by applauding the news of recent polls affirming that two thirds of the American public believe that extraterrestrial life exists, yet in the same breath explains that it’s “weird” that the same number believe that our planet is being visited by some of those extraterrestrials.

     He appears to make an attempt to praise recent television shows for their intrepidness in broaching the UFO subject; however, tries to instill in his reader’s minds that the motives of those who produce the shows is dubious as they never succeed in “defining” the UFO enigma.

     He admits that interstellar travel is achievable, but then intimates the implausibility of it by referencing the “Pioneer and Voyager” space probes, nearly 30-year-old technology, which are “coasting” in space; he seems to want his readers to believe that the inefficiency of “rocket propulsion” is the standard, that astronautics is stationary in regards to development and innovation.

     Rather then apprizing the reader of the latest technologies pertaining to space travel, e.g., “ion propulsion, solar sails, beam particle and or laser drives, as well as magnetoplasma technologies, Shostak chooses to leap into wormholes (no pun intended).

     Of course up to this point albeit redundant, not only is Shostak painting a picture of implausibility relative to interstellar space travel, he’s also talking about “man’s” abilities to do so; the old standard, “if ‘we can’t’ get there from here” then obviously “they can’t get here from there” ideology.

     After priming “his debunking pump” he then begins his narrative of his participation on the King show; he furthers the party line by referencing photographs of “putative saucers hovering at low altitudes” which appeared to be “out-of-focus lights, while others resembled hubcap-shaped Frisbees caught in mid-trajectory” as the primary evidence offered by leading Ufologists.

     Point in fact, Shostak has repeatedly, and publicly admitted his “lack of participation” of research into the UFO phenomenon, so it’s understandable that one might get a chuckle when reading his criticism of Dr. Bruce Maccabee who aside from earning a Ph. D. in physics, also began working at the Naval Surface Warfare Center doing “optical data processing” amongst other things. Dr. Maccabee has been studying the UFO phenomena for over 40 years.

     That said, Shostak again skirted the “preponderance of evidence” as is his routine, and focused on one piece of the puzzle while ignoring the supportive data.

     Shostak wants his readers to believe that Ufologists see an anomalous object and immediately label it an ET craft! The discussion about the “Heflin photo” is a good case in point. While Dr. Maccabee acknowledged his study of previous researchers’ analysis, as well as doing his own work on the photo, stated that in his opinion, “the photos themselves indicate that this is a real object and there is a possibility of estimating, let's say, distance and size based on the atmospheric effects on the photo -- on the object itself, indicating how bright it is as a function of distance. It's a bit technical, but it does suggest that the object was probably within a few thousand feet of the camera.”

     He did not say that the object was an “extraterrestrial craft,” only that based on his experience the photo was genuine and not hoaxed. It’s important to point out that the character of the individual who took the picture was also taken in to consideration.

     Shostak’s next target was “eye-witness testimony.” He correctly pointed out the impressive credentials of the various witnesses to UFO events, e.g., pilot’s, astronauts etc., and as usual states, “just because you don’t recognize an aerial phenomenon doesn’t mean that it’s an extraterrestrial visitor.” He goes on to say, that it “requires additional evidence that, so far, seems to be as unconvincing as the trickery-free saucer snaps.”

     Here’s a curious thing; Seth Shostak has been involved in numerous UFO shows, TV and radio alike as well as debates etc.; the “additional evidence” he deems necessary has been pointed out to him on several occasions, yet he makes no mention of it in his article.

     For whatever the reason, he failed to mention “physical trace cases, radar reports in support of eye-witness testimony, magnetic anomalies in association with UFO sightings, thermal effects, light effects, forensic evidence, and finally thousands of pages, if not hundreds of thousands pages of government documental evidence to name a few.

     Shostak briefly takes time to make light of “Abductees” plight referring to “scoop marks” often found on their bodies, asking why “beings from distant suns would come to Earth to ‘melon-ball’ the locals.” He injects the idea of “spousal abuse” (as well as others) as the cause of the skin anomalies.

     Shostak claims that, “the evidence for extraterrestrial visitors has not convinced many scientists,” yet failed to the name any who have studied the data; he says, “very few academics are writing papers for refereed journals about alien craft or their occupants,” but omits the fact that Ufologists argue that this is part of the problem.

     He incorrectly adds, that UFO experts state that “convincing proof” has been coveted by the power-that-be, and that “scientists have simply refused to look carefully at this phenomenon.”

     The evidence as I have mentioned above is in abundance; Seth Shostak has been exposed to it; yet he fails to mention it in his article. Does the government have information/evidence they are withholding? —This is a fact based on their own admission. Have scientists investigated the UFO phenomenon?” Most certainly, and they are called Ufologists. Has “mainstream science” investigated the UFO phenomenon? No!

     Shostak erroneously likens the lack of scientific investigation to the “UFO phenomenon” to describing “movie critics” who “can compose excellent and accurate evaluations of a movie without being participants in the business of making films.”

     I have to admit that I was awestruck by this declaration, bear in mind that Seth Shostak is an educated, intelligent man. He has a BA in physics from Princeton and a PhD in astronomy from Caltech. What was he thinking?! Excusing the omission of scientific investigation of a world-wide phenomenon, and using an analogy of “film critics and film makers” in essence proclaiming it’s not essential because as scientists they don’t have to involve themselves in the research, or do their own research in order to postulate a theorem! With this mind-set, it makes one wonder how SETI can get any funding!

     The irony of course is that statement comes from a man who is the “Senior Astronomer” for SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) which is, by their own definition a “private, nonprofit organization dedicated to ‘scientific research,’ [emphasis added] education and public outreach.”

     Furthermore SETI has been searching the stars for years, of evidence of other technological civilizations, i.e., by listening for radio signals.

     The evidence they offer in support of their methodology is “speculation” that given a suitable environment and sufficient time, life will develop on other planets much like it did here on Earth.

     The hypocrisy here is actually laughable, and indeed as far as Seth Shostak is concerned, “what’s good for the SETI goose ‘apparently’ isn’t good for Ufology’s gander!”


Monday, July 18, 2005

Stanton Friedman Responds To Allegations Of Being A Deep Cover Operative; Stan Deyo Weighs In

Stan Friedman Young


by Thomas Horn

     On Wednesday, Phenomena Magazine.Com published a response by Stanton Friedman to allegations contained in their article, "Decoding UFO/Alien Phenomena" accusing Stanton of being a deep cover operative.

     "I don't know who the source is," Stanton wrote, "But this is total garbage. Yes, I DID work for the U.S. Government. At Xmas vacation, I worked for the U.S. Post Office in Linden, New Jersey as a College Sophomore at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

More . . .


Triangular 'Shaped UFO' Reported in Fergus Falls

Triangular UFO in Trees

UFO’s in MN?

Fox 9 News

     Ed Kratt says, “It was real.”

May 21st: The front page of the Fergus Falls Journal goes to press with an unusual story by reporter Brandon Stahl.

“To say something like this, it's a story. That's news,” says Stahl.

Fergus Falls is only 177 miles from the Twin Cities. A town where everyone knows your name, and cops hear it all.

Deputy Sheriff Stacy Paulseth, says, “It is strange.”

Kratt, a witness, says, “Unexplainable.”

It was a night when Kratt woke up at 3 a.m. and went out on the deck to smoke a cigarette.

“I saw this orange thing coming through the trees,” says Kratt.

Kratt drew this picture of what he saw.

“Bright orange triangle…glow around of the edges of it...the size of a full moon…I'm looking at a UFO,” says Kratt.

Two other Fergus Falls residents say they saw the same UFO. The national UFO reporting center claims there have been 400 UFO sightings in Minnesota. Since 1947.

Some of the Minnesota sightings this year:

June 18th. Granite Falls. Cigar triangular shape, Changing colors across skyline.

June 7th. Eagan. Five dark round circles.

March 21st. Anoka. Faint orange lights.

March 8th. St Paul. Blue glowing sphere descends to Earth.

At the local diner in Fergus Falls, there is obvious skepticism, and curiosity.

Space creatures. Visitors from another planet. This is where the UFO controversy is divided. Astronomers, Scientists, and UFO researchers all agree on only one point. People do see UFO’s.

“It's unknown to them. So it's a UFO,” says Lauren Nelson, an astronomer.

Nelson navigates a photographic plane looking for UFO evidence. He doesn't expect to see aliens.

“I have a better chance of winning the Powerball,” he says.

As an amateur astronomer, Nelson looks out into the night sky to study the solar system. Looking into UFO sightings is not as easy.

He says, “People who are best qualified to see it, never see it.”

The Minnesota chapter of Mutual UFO Network, MUFON, investigates 20 - 30 sightings every year.

“There was a light in the sky,” says Richard Moss, MUFON.

Moss is a retired science teacher and MUFON state director, and has personally witnessed a UFO, and can tell real from fake.

He says, “Change of colors. Change of shape. The fast getaway. They're there. They're gone.”

MUFON talks to people who have seen aliens. And been onboard a spacecraft as well.

“The big question isn't even where they're from. It's what or who are they or what do they want here,” says Moss.

Kratt says, “We are pretty nice people in Minnesota.”

The people who have seen these so-called aliens, have given MUFON clear descriptions.

Craig Lang, MUFON investigator, says the one he saw was “Three or so feet tall, long arms four fingers. Big black eyes, no hair. Kind of grayish.”

Lang says statistically, research shows there are 1-2 close encounters in the Twin Cities everyday. He shows us a four-finger handprint, reportedly from someone not like us. Lang uses hypnosis on witnesses who claim they were abducted.

“I've interviewed enough people that lead me to believe that there's something very unusual going on,” says Lang.

“If they landed on my lawn, I wouldn't want to go peacefully, says Kratt.

Getting people to talk on TV about their close encounters is nearly impossible says Lang.

He says, “There's a big fear of ridicule.”

And no absolute proof, says U of M astronomy and physics professor Robert Gehrz.

“As a scientist, I have never seen a piece of credible evidence that we have been visited from outer space,” says Gehrz.

There is so much in the sky that can be misinterpreted as flying saucers.

Gehrz says, “I get a lot of calls about UFOs when Venus becomes a bright evening or morning star.”

Or Jupiter, which is also a bright planet. Or planes flying from a distance. Or satellites.

Nelson says, “I've seen three satellites traveling as a group.”

Last summer, several people in the Twin Cities thought this was a UFO. Turns out it was a pretty balloon.

Moss says, “Balloons probably are responsible for some of the number of sightings.”

Since man can remember, there have been UFO sightings. Ed Kratt's story is one of thousands.

I'm just a normal guy you know that just happened to see something that was unexplainable,” says Kratt.

According to the National UFO Reporting Center, California has the most UFO sightings followed by Washington state.

More . . .



Lubbock Lights

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Planeta UFO

     According to statistical studies and the Decimal Hypothesis put forth by researcher Luis Burgos (UFO manifestations every 10 years in places prone to such visits), there is a great possibility that Argentina and its neighboring countries will become the target for new massive UFO incursions during the second half of this years. According to Burgos, director of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) headquartered in La Plata, unidentified flying objects would be mainly seen in the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Cordoba and certain areas of the littoral and Cuyo between the hours of 21:00 and 02:00 hours. According to his calculations, potential witnesses would see "luminous phenomena in the heavens, report creatures on the surface, would detect prints in the fields, perceive explosions at high altitude and capture photo or video evidence." In other words, events similar to the ones that occurred previously in 1965, 1975, 1985 and 1995 throughout the South American region and which had a predictive efficiency of between 70 to 80%.

     The most immediate background event goes back to spring of 2005, when at least fifty "strange impressions" were reported, accompanied by several cases of unusual lights in various points of the province of Buenos Aires.

     Finally, Burgos explains that this announcement is independent of any effect on the population, whether it be the recent cinematic debut of "War of the Worlds" as well as the upcoming nearby opposition of the planet Mars to Earth, scheduled for the month of October, since these [the UFO] studies were conducted, as well as in previous years, many months in advance.

     For more information: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO).-


     Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU). Special thanks to Christian Quintero.


Chilean Family Photographs UFO in Mexico

Chileans UFO Photo


     Mexico - On June 19th of this year, the Toledo Aldunate family was visiting the archaeological ruins of Teotihuacan in Mexico. While observing various historic monuments of the Mayan and Zapoteca cultures, Nicholas Toledo, a sixteen-year-old student of Maria Raquel Cereceda school took several photos with his digital camera, including especially the majestic pyramids that date back to 600 years a.c.

     While taking the pictures Nicholas' father noticed a strange bollide that crossed the horizon at a terrific speed. Immediately they assumed it was a bird, but upon further reflection they discarded that idea, as the distance, size, speed as well as a reflection of the object negated that possibility.

     The object was caught by Nicholas' camera and the family continues to analyze it in the hopes of figuring out just what they witnessed that day. Interesting to note that UFO sighting are not uncommon to that area.



Fireball Framed

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

*** An Alert in San Lorenzo ***

El Litoral

*** Woman reports seeing unidentified flying object near San Lorenzo. Notified duty officer at Empedrado Prefecture and the search commenced immediately. According to witness, who was driving along Route 12 at around 6:30 a.m., a brightness lit up the road. It was a fireball in free-fall, she said.

Elements fo the Provincial Police, the National Gendarmes and the Naval Prefecture carried out a broad joint operation in the jurisdiction of Saladas, near San Lorenzo, in order to determine the truth of a complaint made by a woman who, driving toward that area, saw a fireball falling toward the ground bordering the Parana River.

     According to the report, filed yesterday at 6:30 a.m at the Empedrado barracks of the Naval Prefecture, the glow moved from southeast to northwest. "It was a fireball, like a small plane disintegrating after an explosion."

     This was description given of the UFO that the driver gave to the Prefecture duty officer. Elements immediately reported this to the San Lorenzo Sherriff's Office and the combing operation and information sharing began shortly after. The Gendarmerie also provided a support group.

     The sun was not quite up when the uniformed personnel made their way across the alleged impact zone. They inspected the fields adjacent to the river, the ranches and all of the San Lorenzo rural area, but no one found traces of the object sought.

     Most of the locals were interrogated but none of them even heard their dogs bark. For this reason the unsuccessful field operation was transferred to the communication rooms of the teams involved in the operation.

     It was then that the story fo a member of the road control police of Cuatro Bocas (Saladas) became known. Accoridng to this police officer, an eyewitness to the event, the glow truly existed, but at a greater height than a private plane can reach in flight. This possibility was dismissed in order to concentrate on the likelihood of a meteor impact.

     The search continued but no trace of rock or space junk was found. A communiqué was issued from the Empedrado Prefectture to the barracks at Goya, Bella Vista and Corrientes. By evening, nothing further was known about the matter, according to a report by prefect Andres Ramirez to this newspaper. Ramirez is a subofficer with the national naval institution located on the "Pearl of the Paraná River".

     Nor was any information forthcoming from the Saladas Regional Unit of the Corrientes Police. But investigation will proceed until some element is found that can substantiate the report made by the driver, whose name was not released.

     Note: the San Lorenzo and Empedrado regions of the Province of Corrientes are on the Paraná River, facing the coastline of Chaco Province.,

     Translation (c) 2005, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Christian Quintero, Planeta UFO.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Fireball Over Mountains

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Corriente Noticias

     One of the eyewitness accounts came from Sergio Acosta, who said that between 6:05 and 6:10 yesterday, as he was throwing out the trash, he noticed "a powerful light that lit up the sky." He informed LT-16 Radio Santa Esmeralda that he " looked upward and saw a something like a giant star, flying at high speed, at an altitude that did not exceed 1000 to 1500 meters in an East to West direction until it became lost in the horizon."

     Apparently he was so alarmed by the strange object's flight pattern that some details were burned into his mind. "It lost a chunk of its luminous body in flight, and in its rear it had something like a "little tail" following it at a close distance, like a hot coal, as thought it was a jet engine or navigation light. But it was a very large object," Acosta remarked.

     This was one of the most detailed accounts of the sighting. But there were at least 4 other witneses who claimed having seen this light with similar charactersitcs -- and at the same time -- crossing the skue. It was even said that one of the witnesses made a drawing to depict the object he had seen.

     When asked if it could have been an airplane, he said it was unlikely because: "it was noiseless. It drew my attention because it was [flying] in total silence. I thought it was a shooting star, but I've seen shooting stars before and they make a whistling sound. This one made no noise whatsoever."

     "Furthermore it wasn't fiery colored, but rather had the same color as a star; like a satellite, but very large, and it even titilated. It was sof ast that it took between six and ten seconds to cross the sky, which was completely clear." He aslo remarked that "I looked to see if ti would fall, but it didn't. It crossed the horizon. I'm not sure if it fell later on. I say it was a UFO because I have no other way of describing it," said this witness.

     "I saw that thing, and night was turned into day. It lit up everything," said Cesar Gustavo Blanco to a local FM station. Blanco is a rural worker who was on his way to his field, north of Napenay. Nervous aftr having seen the object for which he was still trying to find an earthly explanation, he said: "I turned off my pickup truck's engine, because I was shocked. and there was silence. But I could hear something, like a whistling sound, and I felt fear, because that was really the sound of silence," he insisted.

     SOURCE: Corrientes Noticias -
Translation (c) 2005, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Christian Quintero, Planeta UFO

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Fireball Over Mountains

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

NORTE Digital Edition

     This was the talk of the town over the radio, in bars and in newsrooms. What was it that crossed the Chaco skies in wee hours of the morning? Phones rang off the hook at local radio stations with eyewitness accounts suggesting that around 6 in the morning a "Fireball" crossed the sky at high speed, leaving a long blue wake in its path.

     The most frightened callers wanted to alert listeners to the possibility that some stricken aircraft was hurtling to the ground enveloped in flame; a situation which was rejected by the Northeastern Air Region (RANE) by the lack of any incidents, not even involving a heavenly body.

     Moreover, there were witnesses not only in the capital but also in the interior who contacted NORTE to confirm that they'd witnessed the passage of the "heavenly fireball"

     Finally, some subjective remarks suggested that yesterday's incident was also a clear invitation "from some Higher Authority" to attend the Meteor Festival being held this weekend at Gancedo.

     SOURCE: Norte Digital -

     Translation (c) 2005 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU). Special thanks to Christian Quintero, Planeta UFO.



UFOs Over Sinaloa 1

UFOs Over Sinaloa 2

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

by Prof. Ana Luisa Cid

     Mexico continues generating proof of the UFO phenomenon, this time in the cities of Culiacán (Sinaloa) and the Federal District.

     The image captured by the author was taken on May 23, 2005 at 1900 hours in the northern end of the Mexican capital. Chiquihuite Hill can be seen in the background.

     Subsequently, on July 3, 2005, Juan Antonio Lopez Quiroa photographed a similar object over the city of Culiacan (Sinaloa) in northern Mexico at 1100 hours.

     Both images were taken using digital photographic equipment and with the peculiar detail that the eyewitnesses saw nothing unusual in the sky. In other words, we are dealing once more with so-called "invisible UFOs".

     Translation (c) 2005. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU).


Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Great UFO Debate

By Seth Shostak
SETI Institute

     The good news is that polls continue to show that between one and two-thirds of the public thinks that extraterrestrial life exists. The weird news is that a similar fraction thinks that some of it is visiting Earth.

     Several recent television shows have soberly addressed the possibility that alien craft are violating our air space, occasionally touching down long enough to allow their crews to conduct bizarre (and, in most states, illegal) experiments on hapless citizens. While these shows tantalize viewers by suggesting that they are finally going to get to the bottom of the so-called "UFO debate", they never do. That bottom seems perennially out of reach.

     So what are the contentious issues here? First off, despite heated discussion by all concerned, let’s admit that interstellar travel doesn’t violate physics. It’s possible. After all, the Pioneer and Voyager probes are nearly three decades into an inadvertent interstellar journey right now. The kicker, of course, is that these craft will take 70,000 years to cover the distance to even the nearest stars (and they’re not aimed that way). With the physics we know, it’s extremely difficult to substantially, and safely, shorten that travel time. Sure, it might be theoretically possible to create wormholes or some other exotic facility for high-speed cosmic cruising; but that approach is entirely speculative.

     And it’s not really the point. The problem I have with the claim that strange craft are prowling our planet is not with the transportation mode, but with the evidence. I’ll worry about how they got here once I’m convinced that they’ve really made the scene.

     Well, have they? How good is the evidence? In the course of a recent TV broadcast in which I participated, guest experts who have long studied UFOs argued the case for their alien nature by showing photographs of putative saucers hovering at low altitudes. Some of these objects appeared as out-of-focus lights, while others resembled hubcap-shaped Frisbees caught in mid-trajectory.

     Since the former are perforce ambiguous, the latter commanded more of my attention. How can we know they’re NOT hubcaps, tossed into the air by a hoaxer with a camera? The reply from one expert: "these photographs pass muster." When quizzed on exactly which muster was mastered, the response was that "atmospheric effects give us a limit on the distance, and careful examination has ruled out photographic trickery." Well, the former is pretty chancy, and relies on some assumption about atmospheric conditions (was it a smoggy day in Los Angeles?), and the latter proves nothing. A real shot of an airborne hubcap would, after all, be free of photographic trickery.

     Additional evidence that is endlessly cited is "expert testimony." Pilots, astronauts, and others with experienced eyes and impressive credentials have all claimed to see odd craft in the skies. It’s safe to say that these witnesses have seen something. But just because you don’t recognize an aerial phenomenon doesn’t mean that it’s an extraterrestrial visitor. That requires additional evidence that, so far, seems to be as unconvincing as the trickery-free saucer snaps.

     What about those folks who have experienced alien beings first-hand? Abduction stories are an entirely separate field of study and one which I won’t address here, although I must confess that it’s intriguing to see photos of scoop marks on the flesh of human subjects, coupled with the claim that these minor disfigurements are due to alien malfeasance. But even aside from the puzzling question of why beings from distant suns would come to Earth to melon-ball the locals, this evidence is, once again, ambiguous. The scoops might be due to aliens, and then again, they could be the consequence of spousal abuse or many other causes.

     When push came to shove, and when pressed as to whether there’s real proof of extraterrestrial visitation, the experts on this show backed off by saying that "well, we don’t know where they come from. But something is definitely going on." The latter statement is hardly controversial. The former is merely goofy. If the saucers and scoopers are not from outer space, where, exactly, are they from? Belgium?

     The bottom line is that the evidence for extraterrestrial visitors has not convinced many scientists. Very few academics are writing papers for refereed journals about alien craft or their occupants. Confronted with this, the UFO experts usually take refuge in two possible explanations:

           * The material that would be convincing proof has been collected and secreted away by the U.S. government. While endlessly appealing, this is an argument from ignorance (tantamount to saying "we can’t show you good evidence because we haven’t got it"), and perforce implies that every government in the world has efficiently squirreled away all alien artifacts. Unless, of course, the extraterrestrials only visit the U.S., where retrieval of material that falls to Earth is supposedly a perfected art form.

          * Scientists have simply refused to look carefully at this phenomenon. In other words, the scientists should blame themselves for the fact that the visitation hypothesis has failed to sway them.

     Not only is this unfair, it’s misguided. Sure, rather few researchers have themselves gone into the field to sift through the stories, the videos, and the odd photos that comprise the evidence for alien presence. But they don’t have to. This complaint is akin to telling movie critics that films would be better if only they would pitch in and get behind the camera. But critics can compose excellent and accurate evaluations of a movie without being participants in the business of making films.

     The burden of proof is on those making the claims, not those who find the data dubious. If there are investigators who are convinced that craft from other worlds are buzzing ours, then they should present the absolute best evidence they have, and not resort to explanations that appeal to conspiratorial cover-ups or the failure of others to be open to the idea. The UFO advocates are not asking us to believe something either trivial or peripheral, for after all, there could hardly be any discovery more dramatic or important than visitors from other worlds. If we could prove that the aliens are here, I would be as awestruck as anyone, however, I await a compelling Exhibit A.

More . . .


Vredefort Meteor Shook The Planet - One of The Largest Strikes in History

Asteroid Impact

Experts eye SA meteor site

By Craig Bishop
News 24

     Durban - In just four minutes, the face of the planet changed forever.

     A meteorite the size of a mountain hurtled from outer space and struck earth some 2020 million years ago, just south-west of where Johannesburg is today. The whole planet physically shook under the impact.

     South Africans have called this area Vredefort and experts at the 29th annual World Heritage Committee meeting that is being held in Durban are expected to award it World Heritage Site status.

     This is the oldest meteor site on the planet, but won't be the last, warns Wits University Professor of Mineralogy in the School of Geosciences, Prof Wolf Reimold.

     "The impact of large extraterrestrial bodies with earth is an ever-present danger that humanity has only recently begun to recognise," said Reimold, who is the co-author of a new book called Meteorite Impact! The Danger from Space and South Africa's Mega-Impact: The Vredefort Structure.

     The book explains how Vredefort is teaching a new generation of scientists around the world about the reality and danger of similar events in the future.

Three giants stand out

     The book also reviews more than 200 000 years of human habitation in the area, starting with the early San hunters, whose art survives on the rocks formed during the meteor strike.

     The successive settlements of Sotho-Tswana, Afrikaner and British farmers are also discussed, including landmark wars that affected the region over the last three centuries.

     The book also provides a guide to more than 20 sites that highlight the heritage of this area.

     Of the 175 impact craters found on the planet so far, three giants stand out - Chicxulub in Mexico, which wiped out 75% of life 65-million years ago, Sudbury in Canada, and Vredefort in South Africa. Each of these events catastrophically altered the global environment and was strong enough to drastically change life on our planet.

     The Vredefort Impact Structure, with a 300km diameter, is nearly twice the size of the Chicxulub crater.

     The outcroppings around the towns of Vredefort and Parys, known as the Vredefort Dome, show the scars of the cataclysmic forces that accompanied the impact event.

     The rocks, ripped from the depths of the crust by the impact, also tell a far older story that stretches back to more than 3 500 million years ago, when the first continents formed on the primitive earth, and to the time when fabulous gold deposits accumulated on the margins of the ancient Witwatersrand sea.

     There are already 788 world heritage sites in 134 countries in the world.

     In South Africa, the sites are Robben Island in the Western Cape, the Cradle of Humankind that houses the fossil hominid sites of Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and environs in Gauteng and North West, the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park in KwaZulu-Natal, the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park in KwaZulu-Natal, the Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape in Limpopo and the Cape Floral Region of the Western Cape.

More . . .


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Experts Discuss Possibility Of Existence Of UFOs

Larry King Logo


      LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, are UFOs real or fake? Have they actually been here? Some say the truth is out there. Others say there is no proof at all. Now we'll go inside some 60 years worth of sensational, controversial reports. About people who say they saw UFOs and those who even claim they were abducted by them. Investigators on both sides of the UFO question will take your calls. It's next on LARRY KING LIVE.

     Let's meet our panel in what should be an extraordinary hour. In Denver, Colorado, is John Schuessler, former engineer for Boeing and NASA who has worked with pilots and astronauts who claim to have seen UFOs. He's director of the Mutual UFO Network and author of a book documenting a disturbing Texas UFO siting.

     In Boston is Dr. Susan Clancy, skeptical author of an upcoming book, "Abducted" about people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. Says memories are not always factual or reliable.

     Here in Los Angeles is Seth Shostak, he is senior astronomer for the SETI Institute. The Search for Extra-Terrestrial intelligence.

     In New York is Budd Hopkins, a top researcher into the UFO abduction phenomena. Author of "Sight Unseen, Science, UFO Invisibility and Transgenic Beings."

     In Washington is Rob Swiatek, long-time UFO investigator, researcher since 1968. And a board member of the Fund for UFO Research.

     And also in Washington is Bruce Maccabee, active in UFO research since the late 1960s. Works with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, serves on the national board of the Fund for UFO Research.

     John, what got you interested in this whole topic to begin with, John Schuessler?

     JOHN SCHUESSLER, MUTUAL UFO NETWORK: I became interested in the mid '60s during the Gemini IV flight when astronaut James McDivit (ph) said that he saw something in orbit. The ground controllers kind of ignored him but he went ahead and took a picture and later came back and asked him what he saw. This was not anything really classic but as a young engineer, it just inspired the heck out of me because we'd worked night and day for several years to get Gemini IV up there. After that I started after that talking to pilots and others who I thought were highly credible people, good observers, capable individuals, and I've never stopped sense. KING: Dr. Clancy, what aroused your interest?

     SUSAN CLANCY, AUTHOR, "ABDUCTED": I started studying aliens while a graduate student at Harvard. I was doing research on how traumatic experiences impact memory functioning and to make a long story short, alien abductions was a type of traumatic experience people were reporting. And it was very interesting to me because, from the scientific perspective it was people who had created a false memory and that's an interesting group to study.

     KING: Seth, what is the SETI Institute?

     SETH SHOSTAK, SETI INSTITUTE: Well, the SETI Institute is an organization -- a non-profit research organization designed to investigate the whole question of life beyond earth. And part of our project is to try and prove that there is extraterrestrial - not only life, but intelligent life out there by eavesdropping on signals.

KING: You like the movie "Contact"?

     SHOSTAK: Indeed. The movie "Contact" was based on our work.

     KING: Paul Allen funded this?

     SHOSTAK: Paul Allen has funded a lot of our research. He didn't fund that movie, of course, and he doesn't fund all of our research.

     KING: Budd Hopkins in New York, what got you interested?

     BUDD HOPKINS, UFO ABDUCTION RESEARCHER: I had a daytime UFO sighting in 1964. I again was a complete skeptic. I had no interest in the subject. And then a few years later a man I knew quite well told me about a UFO landing that he had observed. He didn't know what to call it. This was back in 1975. But he saw figures who disembarked from the craft. Soil samples were taken. The remains of the holes in the ground that were dug. This was in New Jersey right across the Hudson River from Manhattan. And I looked into it and found a second witness who had seen the whole thing from another perspective and found more physical evidence and I was off and going.

     KING: Rob, you're a long-time investigator. What got you involved?

     ROB SWIATEK, UFO INVESTIGATOR: Well, Larry, I was completely intrigued by sightings of these strange objects back in the 1960s. I couldn't believe that seemingly unexplained craft were being seen in our skies and couldn't be explained. Moreover, I was fascinated by the University of Colorado UFO study that was then on going and this was basically an attempt by the Air Force to have the UFO problem looked at scientifically. The whole thing just fascinated me and I've been fascinated from that day to this.

     KING: Now we'll turn to Bruce Maccabee, and it is a fascinating subject No doubt about that. Bruce, what got you involved in things up there? BRUCE MACCABEE, UFO RESEARCHER: Yeah, well, back in the '50s an '60s when there were lots of sightings around, I learned -- I knew about them but I didn't really do anything about it until about the middle '60s when there were a lot of sightings in the United States that resulted in the University of Colorado study that Bob Swiatek just referred to.

     And at that time I decided that if there was really something there where the rubber meets the road is in the interviews with the actual witnesses that claim things. So I went with a group known then as Night Cap, and we interviewed some people that would have various types of sightings and it turned out they weren't nuts and so I decided there might be really something going on. And I began a historical research and further case investigation and all of them concluded that there is really something flying around.

     KING: Okay, we've got to have drawn sides here. In March of 1997 there were numerous reports from people who claim to see mysterious lights over Phoenix, Arizona, in a special on UFOs earlier this year ABC's Peter Jennings explored it.

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UFO Propulsion Systems By Stanton T. Friedman (Part Two)

Stan Friedman Resampled
     Unfortunately, chemical rockets such as we have been using are by their very nature extremely limited in their abilities to provide high velocities in their limited operating times because of their great inefficiency.

     Starship and Earth Excursion Module designers thus face two obvious questions:

     1). How much acceleration can people stand for how long?

     2). What method can provide more miles per hour then chemical rockets, either by operating for longer times or at higher accelerations?

     The amount of acceleration a person can stand depends on many factors; the three most important depends on the duration of acceleration (the greater the force, the shorter the time it can be tolerated), the direction of the force in relation to the body (back to front acceleration is much easier to handle then head to foot acceleration, and for this reason Apollo astronauts have their backs perpendicular to the direction of the thrust, rather then along it as in an elevator), and body environment is important (a person immersed in fluid can withstand greater acceleration then one not so immersed).

     Let’s consider some of the variables. A trained and highly motivated pilot can perform a tracking task while being accelerated at fourteen Gs (about three hundred mph every second) for two minutes. Starting from rest he would be moving at three hundred mph in one second, at three thousand mph in ten seconds, and at thirty-six thousand mph at the end of two minutes!

     Obviously conventional propulsion systems such as airplanes, trains, buses and cars cannot provide fourteen Gs. A trained person properly trained can stand thirty Gs for one second without damage. This data suggests that much higher acceleration could be withstood for shorter times. Reports of EEM (Earth Excursion Module) flight often indicate that the high acceleration—as when making a near right angle turn or changing altitude—takes place in an extremely short period of time. In modern physics and technology, the primary method for providing very high forces for relatively short periods of time is the use of electromagnetic forces such as with lasers, magneto forming of the complex shapes, and the acceleration of the nuclear particles to velocities close to that of light.

     In the mid 1960s an electromagnetic submarine designed by Dr. Stuart Way, [sic] who was on leave from Westinghouse Research Laboratory, was successfully tested. It made use of the fact that electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other produce a (Lorentz) force at right angles to both. The force pushed against the surrounding electromagnetically conducting fluid (seawater), which pushes back and moves the submarine. It is possible to envision an airborne analog in which seawater is replaced by ionized electrically conducting air, and conventional electromagnetic fields are produced by super-conducting magnets, which need little space, very little power and weight, and generate very high magnetic fields. Substantial research, much of it classified, has been done showing that a electromagneto aerodynamic system would be capable of solving all the problems of high-speed flight by controlling lift, drag heating and sonic-boom production—all electromagnetically, rather then mechanically or chemically. The resulting system would be symmetric, highly maneuverable, and relatively silent, often have a glow around it, and be capable of sudden starts and stops. It could carry its own power supply, or be charged up on board its mother ship in much the same manner as a golf cart which carries only a storage battery.

     The reason much of the research on MAD propulsion systems is classified is that the nose cones of ballistic missiles create an ionized air region around them as they reenter. Modifications of the nose cones can be used to vary the radar profile, lift, drag and light direction and other important parameters with out carrying along fuel or propellant, which normally would be required. It should be stressed that such systems work by interacting with their surroundings and by carrying along something that is thrown out the back end. A real benefit is derived from producing very high magnetic fields since a field ten times as great produces one hundred times as much force.

     For the interstellar trip the obvious first choice, although undoubtedly not the ultimate choice, for replacing primitive chemical rockets is a nuclear rocket. Although most people are unaware of nuclear propulsion systems other then those the Navy built for submarines and surface ships, there have been several other programs for the development of airborne or space propulsion systems. Jet engines were successfully operated on nuclear power the “Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program”. A nuclear ramjet was successfully ground tested during the NERVA (Nuclear Engines For Rocket Vehicle Applications) program. Most of the work involved in these multi-dollar-a-year programs was classified and conducted by industrial contractors in conjunction with national laboratories under the direction of NASA, the Air Force, and or the old Atomic Energy Commission. All of the above systems utilize nuclear fission of the Uranium-235 nucleus to produce huge amounts of heat by conversion of a small amount of mass into a large amount of energy. Millions of times more energy can be produced in this way then by burning rocket fuel.

Part (One)


MUFON's 'John Schuessler' To Speak at Aurora History Museum

John Schuessler
John Schuessler

For UFO expert, sci-fi is real life

By Jeremy Meyer
Denver Post Staff Writer

     Aurora - Two or three times a month, someone in Colorado looks into the sky and sees something he cannot identify.

     Often, that's when John Schuessler's group gets a call.

     Schuessler, a retired Boeing engineer who moved to Jefferson County, is the international director of the Mutual UFO Network, a 3,000-member nonprofit group that investigates UFO sightings and promotes research on the phenomenon.

     His group runs a website on which people can report their experiences and sends investigators to interview people who spy something strange.

     "We're not a lot of starry-eyed believers," Schuessler said. "We're a fairly skeptical group. There's no doubt in my mind about UFOs. We have firm evidence of it. We have videotapes. And the testimony by credible people is beyond question. ... Some of the most definitive documentation is by the government - 300,000 documents that all attest to the reality of UFOs."

     Schuessler will speak Sunday at the Aurora History Museum, which through Sept. 18 is featuring an exhibit celebrating a century of science fiction.

     He will talk about UFO sightings across Colorado - from the storm chaser in Jefferson County who reported a bowling-ball-like object flying out of clouds to a park packed with people who saw a strange craft 500 feet above Lakewood that zoomed straight up.

     There seems to be an unending number of sightings in the San Luis Valley.

     "They call that the 'mysterious valley,' and I can see why," Schuessler said.

     He will explain how his group, in cataloging and investigating UFO sightings around the world, is building a body of evidence that "there is something real (in the skies)."

     He added: "It's unusual, it's not ours, and it's something worth looking at."

     Perhaps that won't be much of a surprise to the visitors to the museum's popular "Science Fiction Century" exhibit, which opened July 4.

     Curator Matt Chasansky worked through various science-fiction groups in the Denver area to build the display, which includes everything from Star Wars costumes to first-edition books by H.G. Wells.

     The experience has been an eye- opener for Chasansky, who was never really a sci-fi buff until the exhibit.

     "At first I thought (science fiction) was escapism," he said. "People want somewhere that is totally invented that they can separate themselves from."

     But he realized it was more reality- based than other pop-culture genres such as horror or fantasy. Science fiction extrapolates actual scientific discovery. For example, Jules Verne's 19th-century stories about moonshots became reality by the 1960s.

     Schuessler doesn't see a conflict in talking factually about UFOs at an exhibition of science fiction.

     "We are living a real science- fiction situation that most people want to just read about," he said. "It is futuristic stuff. The characteristics of the UFO sightings are beyond our technological capabilities."

     Schuessler leaves conjecture - "Who is flying these vehicles?" "Why they are here?" - to the sci-fi buffs.

     "They come up with ideas based on reality but beyond reality," he said. "It's where the two merge - reality merges with science fiction."

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