Wednesday, April 13, 2005

'Close Encounters'
of the British Kind

UFOs and the British Royal Air Force

By Nick Redfern
Phenomena Magazine

     As someone who writes books on UFOs, cryptozoology, and conspiracy theories, and as Phenomena co-editor as well as a contributor to a variety of other publications, I am often asked: How did you become interested and involved in the worlds of the unexplained and the paranormal?

     I figured that with the question posed on what is a fairly regular basis, it might be a good opportunity to provide the answer.

     It was 10.30 p.m. on a dark Wednesday evening in late 1978 as I walked with my father, Frank Redfern, through the deserted streets of the town of Walsall, England. A biting wind sliced through the air and I buried my hands in my coat pockets in a vain attempt to keep warm. We headed for a nearby car park.

     “Well, what did you think?” asked my father.

     “I thought it was great,” I replied, continuing: “Do you think it could really happen?”

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