By Frank Warren
Sonora, California - Dr. Mark Olson reports that on March 10th he captured yet another video of a "triangular shaped craft" with "golden colored lights" coming over Lyons Bald Mountain. He states that "the object moved faster than those previously seen over Sonora it was totally silent, and did not have the FAA signal lights that are required on all conventional aircraft."
Ruben Uriarte, the Northern California Mufon State Director is currently investigating the matter; he's said, ". . .there are a number of other sightings in Northern California and we are checking with Mark's sightings events for any correlation . . .. There is something unusual occurring in Sonora; with Mark and a number of other people's assistance, we may get some answers. Time will tell."
For more information and to view the images of the numerous sightings in Sonora, visit Mark's web-site:
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